Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 2

So I stuck with it. I got up and made it to the gym at 6am once again today. I put in a mile on the elliptical then hurried back home. I was feeling so good that I decided to get the stroller out and time a few walks. I walked from my house to the gas station grabbed a Diet Mt. Dew and back home that took 25 mins . Then I walked to the river walk 8 mins. Then walked the river walk 1 hr both ways. When we got back home we used google map to map the distance for all of the walks. To walk to the gas station and back it is just over 1 mile. To walk to the river walk it was almost exactly a mile then the river walk is 1 mile both ways. So my total for the day was 5 miles!! I am a little sore now but I know it will pay off :) I think I am going to try and do that walk 2-3 times a week. I hope others will come and join me. If I can drop 20lbs by July that would be awesome! I really don't want to be the "fat" sister in all of the pictures at Kiera's wedding :)

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