Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fall Time Fun and Halloween '08

D'alice and Tai were in such a good mood that we decited to go outside and play in the leaves. Tai loved eating the leaves and D'alice had a blast swinging on her swing. When the camera came out so did the goofy faces. It melts my heart to see how much my kids love each other. Tai's face just lights up when he see's his sister.

Halloween was not very much fun this year because D'alice has an extremely horrible fear of people in costumes. So we got a few cute pictures of D'alice as Cinderella and Tai as a Skunk but there was no trick or treating for us. However D'alice did have a lot of fun carving pumpkins with Grandma and Grandpa Stokes.

Pumpkin Walk 2008

We decited to go to the Pumpkin Walk for family home evening. D'alice had a blast looking at all the fun pumpkins. When we asked her what her favorite one was she said "the Sword in the Stone" but her favorite part was putting her face in all of the fun cutouts. It is a fun event that will have to become a Loveland Family Tradition.